libnix mingw status

17 apr 2024


status of native windows nix using MinGW from my series libnix


native nix on windows, using MinGW work from this branch: i was able to:

  • cross-compile nix.exe from nixos-wsl
  • run nix-instantiate.exe on windows to compute ‘2+2’ -> 4
  • run unit tests on windows, see the check output

build using nix build

on nixos-wsl, after you checked out the branch:

:lf .
:b packages.x86_64-linux.nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32

and you can build the software using the nix build command:

nix build .#packages.x86_64-linux.nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32 -v
nix log .#packages.x86_64-linux.nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32

the result is this:

This derivation produced the following outputs:
  check -> /nix/store/a09j2l5s1prx7hijjh347zrkykjdmlq7-nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32-2.22.0pre20240409_76b7331-check
  dev -> /nix/store/2w7xn62vdf01g47kkjsm6195wl5gqy2n-nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32-2.22.0pre20240409_76b7331-dev
  out -> /nix/store/l3isj28znw1gvpxzj9mmq57jspz12sgs-nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32-2.22.0pre20240409_76b7331

but you need to copy the files to the windows machine in order to execute it, for me this is /mnt/c/Users/joschie/.

verbose build

diff --git a/package.nix b/package.nix
index c9e50c399..0f8c5711e 100644
--- a/package.nix
+++ b/package.nix
@@ -313,6 +313,8 @@ in {
   enableParallelBuilding = true;

   makeFlags = "profiledir=$(out)/etc/profile.d PRECOMPILE_HEADERS=1";
+  NIX_LDFLAGS = "-v";

and run the build with:

nix build .#packages.x86_64-linux.nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32 -L

copy the files to windows

the the directory:

nix derivation show .#packages.x86_64-linux.nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32 | jq -r '.[] |  .outputs.out.path'

note: the dev-shell below is used to access the $LINK_DLL_FOLDERS variable to extract the dlls!

nix develop .#devShells.x86_64-linux.x86_64-w64-mingw32
cd /nix/store/l3isj28znw1gvpxzj9mmq57jspz12sgs-nix-x86_64-w64-mingw32-2.22.0pre20240409_76b7331/bin
rm -rf /tmp/copy-to-windows
mkdir /tmp/copy-to-windows
cp -rL *.{exe,dll} /tmp/copy-to-windows

# _linkDLLs creates symlinks but doesn't copy them
# meaning that recursive dependencies don't get copied!
# For example, libhttp_parser.2.9.4.dll which libgit2 needs.
for i in $(echo "$LINK_DLL_FOLDERS" | tr ':' ' '); do
    for dll in $(find $i -name "*.dll"); do
        if [ ! -e "/tmp/copy-to-windows/$(basename $dll)" ]; then
           cp $dll /tmp/copy-to-windows/

and finally copy the files to the windows machine:

cp -r /tmp/copy-to-windows /mnt/c/Users/joschie/

in an admin power shell run this command:

cd C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows
cmd /c mklink nix-build.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-channel.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-collect-garbage.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-copy-closure.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-daemon.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-env.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-hash.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-instantiate.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-prefetch-url.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-shell.exe nix.exe
cmd /c mklink nix-store.exe nix.exe

the output should look like this:

(base) PS C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows> ls

    Directory: C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          81299 capi.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         175006 legacy.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        1133001 libarchive-13.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          66371 libatomic-1.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         158587 libbrotlicommon.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          76247 libbrotlidec.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         745991 libbrotlienc.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         125885 libbz2-1.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          61588 libcharset-1.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         260067 libcpuid-16.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        4991360 libcrypto-3-x64.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         158103 libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        1530891 libgit2.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          31313 libgmock_main.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         168524 libgmock.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          62990 libgtest_main.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         653348 libgtest.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          94169 libhistory8.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          56639 libhttp_parser.2.9.4.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        1036160 libiconv-2.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         292440 libidn2-0.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         232068 liblzma-5.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         242738 libnghttp2-14.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        1123300 libnixcmd.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        4040522 libnixexpr.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         397542 libnixexprc.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        1701921 libnixfetchers.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         419859 libnixmain.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        4974340 libnixstore.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          70372 libnixstorec.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        2425865 libnixutil.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         177556 libnixutilc.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         537482 libpcre-1.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         432213 libquadmath-0.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         902691 librapidcheck.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         359921 libreadline8.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         377154 libsodium-23.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        1444530 libsqlite3-0.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         361972 libssh2-1.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         819704 libssl-3-x64.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          38695 libssp-0.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        4263977 libstdc++-6.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          69342 libtermcap.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM        2239635 libunistring-5.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         137216 libz.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         928693 libzstd.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         101628 loader_attic.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          72803 mcfgthread-12.dll
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-build.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-channel.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-collect-garbage.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-copy-closure.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-daemon.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-env.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-hash.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  2:41 PM              0 nix-instantiate.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-prefetch-url.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:52 PM              0 nix-shell.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
la---           17-Apr-24  3:12 PM              0 nix-store.exe -> C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows\nix.exe
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:33 PM        4947837 nix.exe
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM          54706 padlock.dll
-ar--           17-Apr-24  2:13 PM         137216 zlib1.dll

finally run nix-instantiate.exe to check everything is working:

(base) PS C:\Users\joschie\copy-to-windows> .\nix-instantiate.exe --store 'dummy://' --eval -E '1+1'

build using nix-shell

if you hack on nix you might like:

nix develop .#devShells.x86_64-linux.x86_64-w64-mingw32
declare | grep -i phases

so basically:


buildPhase && installPhase && . ./

using builddir one can use separate build directories to do linux and windows builds from the same source tree!

rm -rf copy-to-windows
mkdir copy-to-windows
cp -rL $prefix/bin/*.{exe,dll} copy-to-windows/
cp copy-to-windows/nix.exe copy-to-windows/nix-instantiate.exe

# _linkDLLs creates symlinks but doesn't copy them
# meaning that recursive dependencies don't get copied!
# For example, libhttp_parser.2.9.4.dll which libgit2 needs.
for i in $(echo "$LINK_DLL_FOLDERS" | tr ':' ' '); do
    for dll in $(find $i -name "*.dll"); do
        if [ ! -e "copy-to-windows/$(basename $dll)" ]; then
           cp $dll copy-to-windows/

# copy the checks
mkdir copy-to-windows/check
cp -rL outputs/check/bin/* copy-to-windows
cp -rL outputs/check/lib/* copy-to-windows

# update the windows copy
rm -rf /mnt/c/nix
cp -r copy-to-windows/* /mnt/c/nix-hack


cd C:\nix
.\nix-instantiate.exe --store 'dummy://' --eval -E '1+1'


cd C:\nix
./libnixfetchers-tests.exe  --gtest_color=yes
Running main() from /build/source/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 2 tests from PublicKey
[ RUN      ] PublicKey.jsonSerialization
[       OK ] PublicKey.jsonSerialization (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] PublicKey.jsonDeserialization
[       OK ] PublicKey.jsonDeserialization (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from PublicKey (5 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 2 tests from 1 test suite ran. (12 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2 tests.


given that some nix tools already run on windows natively, we have a shining future ahead!

see for next steps!

article source