magic dhcp stuff isc dynamic host configuration protocol

27 mar 2010


a friend of mine, Andreas Korsten, showed me how to execute custom scripts when a dhcp-lease is passed to a client. this is interesting stuff and since it seems not to be documentedanywhere yet, i decided to blog it. it is probably of use for other admins out there - thanks to Andreas Korsten!


idea: run a custom script when a lease is passed to the the example below every client in the netboot group will trigger ‘custom logging’ and additionally execute a script.

ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

It is about: net-misc/dhcp-3.1.2_p1 (gentoo, portage), see [1] No special useflags were used: +kernel_linux-doc -minimal -selinux -static

setup /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf

# vim: set noet ts=4 sw=4:
allow booting;
allow bootp;

server-name "myServer";
default-lease-time 3000;
max-lease-time 6000;
ddns-update-style none;

subnet netmask {
 option subnet-mask;
 option domain-name-servers;
 option domain-name "myPool";

group netboot {
 #filename "pxelinux.0";

#on commit { execute ("/tmp/", hardware , "fnord", host-decl-name, "foo", leased-address, "bar" ); }
 #on commit { execute ("/tmp/", host-decl-name ); }
 #on commit { execute ("/tmp/", leased-address ); }

# helpful:
 on commit { 28 set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address); 29 set ClientMac = binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", substring(hardware, 1, 6)); 30 log(concat("Commit: IP: ", ClientIP, " Mac: ", ClientMac)); 31 execute("/tmp/", "commit", ClientIP, ClientMac); 32
 #if(execute("/root/scripts/dhcp-event", "commit", ClientIP, ClientMac) = 0) {
 #if(execute("/tmp/", "commit", ClientIP, ClientMac) = 0)
 # log(concat("Sent DHCP Commit Event For Client ", ClientIP));
 #} else {
 # log(concat("Error Sending DHCP Commit Event For Client ", ClientIP));

host router5 { hardware ethernet 00:40:ff:aa:b0:44; fixed-address; option host-name "router5"; }
 #include "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.otherhosts.conf";

the script

you could send an email or jabber message or just do some advanced logging. consider: if you have a server-farm it might be interesting to see if a reboot actually worked. the arguments to the bash script can be processed within the script. the order of the arguments is given by the dhcpd.conf file, see above.

possible errors

always review the logs, in my case /var/log/syslog and since the dhcpd service on gentoo is running as user ‘dhcp’ and the script was not accessable for the user ‘dhcp’ this error could be found:

debug: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: Commit: IP: Mac: 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44
debug: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[0] = /tmp/
debug: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[1] = commit
debug: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[2] =
debug: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[3] = 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44
err: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: Unable to execute /tmp/ Permission denied
err: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: execute: /tmp/ exit status 32512
info: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44 via ath0
info: Mar 27 13:45:17 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44 via ath0

right after i corrected the permission issue:

debug: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: Commit: IP: Mac: 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44
debug: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[0] = /tmp/
debug: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[1] = commit
debug: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[2] =
debug: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[3] = 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44
info: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 0:40:ff:aa:b0:44 via ath0
info: Mar 27 13:52:32 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:40:ff:aa:b0:44 via ath0
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