mattermost with nixcloud-webservices

25 aug 2023


in 2018 we packaged mattermost in nixcloud-webservices for declarative setup support.

so if you ever want to get rid of imperative container setup using docker compose (@andrewzigler), then nixcloud-webservices might be for you!

using nixcloud-webservices with nixcloud.webservices.mattermost, and nixcloud.TLS it is possible to setup a complete chat system without much effort.


so using nixcloud-webservices you can setup a complete chat system with these few lines of code:

nixcloud.webservices.mattermost.ncchat = {
  enable = true;
  EmailSettings = {
    SendEmailNotifications = true;
    ConnectionSecurity = "STARTTLS";
    EnableSMTPAuth = true;
    SMTPPort = 587;
    SMTPServer = "";
    SMTPUsername = "";
    SMTPPassword = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    RequireEmailVerification = true;
    FeedbackEmail = "";
    FeedbackName = "nixcloud";
  proxyOptions = {
    domain = "";
    port = 8080;
}; {
  enable = true;
  domains = [ "" ];
  ipAddress = ipAddress;
  ip6Address = ip6Address;
  fqdn = "";
  enableGreylisting = false;
  users = [ ... ];

used resources

the setup from above will install mattermost on the local system and start it using systemd. it will also create a database and a user for the database.

root@mail ~# cd /var/lib/nixcloud/webservices/mattermost-ncchat
root@mail /v/l/n/w/mattermost-ncchat# ls -la
total 28
drwxrwxr-x+  4 root              root              4096 May 11  2019 .
drwx--x--x  13 root              root              4096 Jul  4  2019 ..
-rw-rw-r--+  1 root              root                 0 May 11  2019 .database-create-mattermost
drwxrwxr-x+  3 root              root              4096 Nov 29  2018 postgresql
drwxrwxr-x+  6 mattermost-ncchat mattermost-ncchat 4096 Aug 22 07:34 www

du -sh .
570M    .

so if you wanted to do a backup of this particular mattermost instance, you would need the nix code above and all the files in /var/lib/nixcloud/webservices/mattermost-ncchat


i like to point out that the postgresql database is part of the service and all the files are stored in one directory /var/lib/nixcloud/webservices/mattermost-ncchat.

this makes it easy to backup and restore the service and it also makes it easy to run several such services.

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