[[!meta date="2023-08-03 22:50"]] [[!img posts/gopass/gopass.png width="100px" alt="" style="float: right" class="noFancy"]] [[!summary using one password manager for multiple platforms]] [[!tag gopass]] # motivation i need a password store with these properties: * support for multiple OSes (android/linux/windows) * versioned (git) * secure (gpg) * self-hosted (simple git repo with ssh access) * usable in teams (using several mounts, i.e. private/company store for sets of passwords) and with [gopass](https://www.gopass.pw/) i have all of these! in a nutshell, gopass uses git as backend, encrypts the passwords using gpg and accesses the git repo via ssh keys or passwords. the only downside, gopass leaks the directory structure/file names, as those are not encrypted. # how i use it the documentation is all over the place and some issues are really hard to come by. a good start for everyday use: ## backend i'm using repository: * create github.com/yourname/yourrepo and make it private so not everybody can clone the repo * add [Deploy keys](https://github.com/yourname/yourrepo/settings/keys), generated in the android app ## windows i used *chocolatey* as described in the installation manual at: choco install gopass ## android [[!img posts/gopass/android-password-store.png width="200px" alt="" style="float: none" class="noFancy"]] the settings: repository URL: git@github.com/yourname/yourrepo.git authentication mode: ssh key the password store app syncs on each change, which is nice. ## linux simply install gopass, git and gpg # yet unsolved issues * otp integration (still use andotp, need to check [gopass otp](https://github.com/gopasspw/gopass/blob/master/docs/features.md#adding-otp-secrets)) * ssh cert management (is there a gopass-agent?) * is there iphone support? # conclusion i wish i had moved to gopass / password store years ago. **especially sharing passwords with a team, this is an ideal solution**. major benefit is that one does not have to use ntfs file mounts, to store keepassx databases and can basically update the local copy of the db with `gopass sync` and then be offline for a while and still able to use it daily.