[[!summary chatGPT: A guide on how to download and compile Mumble and its dependencies in Linux.]] [[!meta date="2009-10-10 17:14"]] [[!tag linux technology]] [[!img media/mumble.png alt="" style="float: right"]] **so how is that done?** 1. download mumble-1.1.8.tar.gz 2. extract it 3. download libcap-2.16.tar and extract it as welll -> ./configure && make but not make install 4. now go into the mumble source directory and edit **src/murmur/murmur.pro LIBS+= -L /home/joachim/mumble-1.1.8/libcap-2.16/libcap -lcap** ** INCLUDEPATH += /home/joachim/mumble-1.1.8/libcap-2.16/libcap/include/** i just added this two lines, check the path in your installation 5. now we have to invoke qmake to generate the 'Makefile' with **qmake main.pro CONFIG+=no-client CONFIG+=no-ice CONFIG+=no-dbus** 6. finally we do ** make** * if something fails in the make step, either play with the Makefile (which will be lost after doing '**make distclean**' of course * in case you want to play with the murmur.pro you should use '**make distclean**' and then step 5 again, else you will not get a new **Makefile** and it won't work 7. we need to give the dynamic linker the library at runtime, this is done with one little command: ** export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/joachim/mumble-1.1.8/libcap-2.16/libcap:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH** That's it. Once the concpets are obvious doing things like that gets fairly easy.