[[!summary chatGPT: The author created their own network manager called n0 or nNull using Qt 4.x with a server and a client communicating via dbus, and they will release the source code soon. They explain how the network manager works and provide a script they use to change wireless networks. They also mention using dbus to execute scripts and logging the output to the GUI process.]] [[!meta date="2009-11-26 04:22"]] [[!tag gentoo linux qt technology usability n0]] I've just finished my own '**network manager**' (called **n0** or **nNull**) using Qt 4.x with a server and a client communicating via dbus. Here are some screenshots: [[!img media/nnull1.png size=800x caption="netw0rk manager - n0 - dbus client" ]] [[!img media/nnull2.png size=800x caption="netw0rk manager - n0 - showing the debug console" ]] [[!img media/nnull3.png size=800x caption="netw0rk manager - n0 - server instance output" ]] I will release the source code along the terms of the GPLv3 in the coming days. Let's see how it works: similar to the official '**network manager**' there is a tray icon. In the case of '**n0**' or '**nNull**' there is just a collection of scripts listed. These scripts are handwritten by me and usually work great for my setups. If I want to change the wireless network it gets problematic since i have to edit wpa_supplicant.conf or use **wpa_cli**. Anyway I can live with that. Here is such a script: #!/bin/bash -v killall dhcpcd if [ -f /var/run/dhcpcd-ath0.pid ]; then rm /var/run/dhcpcd-ath0.pid fi killall wpa_supplicant killall vpnc ifconfig br0 down ifconfig ath0 down ifconfig eth0 down brctl delif br0 ath0 brctl delif br0 eth0 brctl delbr br0 ip l set vbox0 down brctl delbr vbox0 brctl addbr vbox0 ip l set vbox0 up ip a a dev vbox0 rmmod ath5k modprobe ath5k #iw reg set DE sleep 1 ifconfig ath0 up wpa_supplicant -dd -D wext -i ath0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf > /root/config/logs/abc-stdout 2> /root/config/logs/abc-stderr & route del default iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ath0 -j MASQUERADE echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 dhcpcd ath0 #dhclient ath0 cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.dnsmasq echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf ifconfig eth0 up dhcpd eth0 The bonus point is that I get a full blown log of the script execution since it uses "#!/bin/bash -v" which is quite verbose. In the near future i might add another debug line to monitor each process started by the network script. This way one could redirect all outputs to the graphical widget with different coloring for example. I use dbus to execute scripts. For example when I want to connect to one of the two networks I'm frequently using I usually press **Fn+F9** for the first network and **Fn+F10** for the second network. These shortcuts are defined by **/etc/acpi/default.sh** and** **execute this command: exec qdbus --system de.lastlog.nmInterface /MainApplication executeConfiguration /root/config/internetlab-ath0 This way the local '**server backend**' uses dbus to log the output to the attached gui process as seen above. No more '**hidden script**' action. This system is not perfect but it's a good starting point for me for doing further experimentation.