[[!meta date="2016-11-06 00:35"]] [[!tag nixos pulseaudio]] [[!img media/nixos-lores.png class="noFancy" style="float: right"]] [[!summary streaming audio in tcp using pulseaudio and avahi]] # motivation this is a simple setup for streaming `pulseaudio` streams over the network. # server https://github.com/openlab-aux/vuizvui/blob/master/machines/labnet/labtops.nix#L26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.nix } hardware.pulseaudio = { enable = true; tcp.enable = true; tcp.anonymousClients.allowedIpRanges = [ "" ]; zeroconf.publish.enable = true; }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.nix } pulseaudio.zeroconf.discovery.enable=true; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to use the new setup simply play some music and in `pavucontrol` you can select a different output device for the listed stream.