[[!meta date="2023-05-24 03:35"]] [[!tag ruckig emscripten motionplanning]] [[!series emscripten]] [[!summary using the ruckig library for motion planning in the browser]] [[!img media/Emscripten_logo_full.png width="250px" class="noFancy" style="float: right"]] # motivation as i had to maintain a **motion planning library** in the past, i was freaked to find [ruckig library](https://github.com/pantor/ruckig). see also . i wanted to use it in the browser, so i compiled using [emscripten](https://emscripten.org/) and used [plotly.js](https://plotly.com/javascript/) for the UI. the result can be found here: ## motion planing in the browser
oh snap...
note: above should be a plotly.js graph, if not, it might not work in your browser. # conclusion i've documented the process in the [README.md](https://github.com/qknight/ruckig/commit/45ba491c35707d76e239770a695cf47d563e644e?short_path=afd3506#diff-afd35063cd397b0616c3d498af9af06d61ffef7c30146885432e0c0265ed7813) and using the docker image from emscripten is is now trivial to kick off! this work shines because of the quality of emscripten! compiling c/c++ code to javascript, even with cmake, is blazingly easy. oh, and since you are still here, my favourite video in this regard is !