[[!meta date="2013-03-08 17:58"]] [[!tag shinken linux security]] [[!img media/shinken.png alt="copied from shinken-monitoring.org" style="float: right"]] [[!series shinken]] [[!summary shinken with impact graph and ICMP]] # motivation in this posting i want to enhance the shinken usage with a few fixes ## writing custom service checks for shinken there exsists a nice documentation for nagios [1] already. i didn't find much in the shinken wiki, so here is what i did. ### the test script in /usr/local/shinken/libexec/check_test #! /bin/bash # # js@lastlog.de # 05/03/2013 # # This Nagios test plugin was created to demonstrate how it is integrated into shinken # PROGNAME=`basename $0` PROGPATH=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,'` REVISION="0.0.1" . $PROGPATH/utils.sh print_usage() { echo "Usage:" echo " $PROGNAME --help" echo " $PROGNAME --test" echo " $PROGNAME --version" } print_help() { print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION echo "" print_usage echo "" echo "Nagios test plugin" echo "" echo "--test" echo " Perform a test; in this implementation it either returns: STATE_OK, STATE_CRITICAL, STATE_WARNING or STATE_UNKNOWN " echo "--help" echo " Print this help screen" echo "--version" echo " Print version and license information" echo "" support } # Information options case "$1" in --help) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; -h) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; --version) print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION exit $STATE_OK ;; -V) print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION exit $STATE_OK ;; --test) # STATE_OK # STATE_WARNING # STATE_CRITICAL # STATE_UNKNOWN # STATE_DEPENDENT # $(($RANDOM%3)) case $(($RANDOM%5)) in 0) echo "STATE_OK - $(date)" exit $STATE_OK ;; 1) echo "STATE_WARNING - $(date)" exit $STATE_WARNING ;; 2) echo "STATE_CRITICAL - $(date)" exit $STATE_CRITICAL ;; 3) echo "STATE_DEPENDENT - $(date)" exit $STATE_DEPENDENT ;; *) echo "STATE_UNKNOWN - $(date)" exit $STATE_UNKNOWN ;; esac ;; *) print_usage exit $STATE_UNKNOWN esac also check: chown shinken:shinken check_test chmod 0755 check_test execute it on a shell, it should return: root@monitoring-vm:/usr/local/shinken/libexec# ./check_test --test STATE_CRITICAL - Thu Mar 7 12:34:19 CET 2013 root@monitoring-vm:/usr/local/shinken/libexec# ./check_test --test STATE_WARNING - Thu Mar 7 12:44:23 CET 2013 root@monitoring-vm:/usr/local/shinken/libexec# ./check_test --test STATE_UNKNOWN - Thu Mar 7 12:44:23 CET 2013 root@monitoring-vm:/usr/local/shinken/libexec# ./check_test --test STATE_DEPENDENT - Thu Mar 7 12:44:24 CET 2013 root@monitoring-vm:/usr/local/shinken/libexec# ./check_test --test STATE_OK - Thu Mar 7 12:44:25 CET 2013 root@monitoring-vm:/usr/local/shinken/libexec# ./check_test --test STATE_WARNING - Thu Mar 7 12:44:26 CET 2013 ### /usr/local/shinken/etc/commands.cfg append this to commands.cfg define command { command_name check_test command_line $PLUGINSDIR$/check_test $ARG1$ } ### /usr/local/shinken/etc/services/services.cfg define service{ use generic-service service_description CustomTest host_name lastlog.de check_command check_test!"--test" } **note:** use generic-service means that our custom service **inherits all attributes from the template generic-service** defined in **/usr/local/shinken/etc/templates.cfg** ### testing the new rules 1. restart shinken to test if the new rules work in case of an configuration error, shinken will bail out with: /etc/init.d/shinken restart Doing config check * full result is in /tmp/shinken_checkconfig_result * ConfigCheck failed: Configuration is incorrect, sorry, I bail out ...fail! 2. have a look at the webinterface, for every test invocation the status is very likely to change between: STATE_OK, STATE_CRITICAL, STATE_WARNING or STATE_UNKNOWN ### shinken webinterface checks if everything is working you should see something like this: [[!img media/shinken1.jpeg]] **note:** [4] might be a good introduction into advanced dependencies of service checks! **thanks for the help to Issif#shinken@irc.freenode.net** and [1] ## using thruk with shinken deploy thruk [3] and disable shinken webinterface ### installation wget http://www.thruk.org/files/pkg/v1.64-2/ubuntu12.10/amd64/thruk_1.64-2_ubuntu12.10_amd64.deb dpkg -i thruk_1.64-2_ubuntu12.10_amd64.deb apt-get -f install # as listed in the manual at [5] ### enable livestatus for shinken shinken has livestatus (, a python process) already enabled by default. so we need to edit thruk_local.cfg netstat -tulpen ... tcp 0 0* LISTEN 999 35960 6918/python #### /etc/thruk/thruk_local.cfg 1. before making this change i had this problem: less /var/log/apache2/error.log ... [Thu Mar 07 15:03:35 2013] [notice] child pid 17670 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Thu Mar 07 15:03:35 2013] [notice] child pid 17671 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Thu Mar 07 15:03:35 2013] [notice] child pid 17672 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [Thu Mar 07 15:03:35 2013] [notice] child pid 17673 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) ... 2. this few lines need to be uncommented (so remove all the # symbols) ############################################ # put your own settings into this file # settings from this file will override # those from the thruk.conf ############################################ ###################################### # Backend Configuration, enter your backends here name = External Shinken type = livestatus peer = 3. restart thruk and apache2 /etc/init.d/thruk restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 4. finally visit: : **user thrukadmin** with **password thrukadmin** #### make thruk work with RRD pnp4nagios graphs to make this work i used some parts of the documentation [7] but it it required some serious debugging and my current result looks different to what can be found on . 1. basically **append the action_url to the generic-service record in the templates.cfg** file as shown below: # Generic service definition template - This is NOT a real service, just a template! define service{ name generic-service ; The 'name' of this service template active_checks_enabled 1 ; Active service checks are enabled passive_checks_enabled 1 ; Passive service checks are enabled/accepted # Check part # By default, there is no check_command here check_interval 5 ; Check the service every 5 minutes in normal state retry_interval 1 ; Re-check the service every one minutes until a hard state can be determined max_check_attempts 2 ; Re-check the service up to 3 times in order to determine its final (hard) state check_period 24x7 ; The service can be checked at any time of the day # Notification part notifications_enabled 1 ; Service notifications are enabled notification_options w,u,c,r ; Send notifications about warning, unknown, critical, and recovery events notification_interval 60 ; Re-notify about service problems every hour notification_period 24x7 # If the contacts and contact_groups options are not set, it will notify host contacts instead # contact_groups admins # Advanced options. Change with care #event_handler_enabled 1 # event_handler super_event_kill_everyone!DIE flap_detection_enabled 1 ; Flap detection is enabled check_freshness 0 freshness_threshold 3600 #stalking_options w,c obsess_over_service 0 #escalations ToLevel2 process_perf_data 1 ; Process perf data, like for PNP is_volatile 0 ; for log monitoring. See doc for more info about it # For the WebUI icon_set server ; can be database, disk, network_service, server register 0 action_url /pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$' class='tips' rel='/pnp4nagios/index.php/popup?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$ } 2. i also made **both NPCDMOD** changes both in **shinken-specific.cfg**. #### results [[!img media/shinken2.jpeg caption="HttpsCertificate produces no graph and leaves me with an error - 'sorry the content could not be loaded'"]] [[!img media/shinken3.jpeg caption="for other services it looks well! - except the tooltip ;P"]] [[!img media/shinken4.jpeg size=500x caption="the mobile interface with RRD graphs!"]] #### security 1. change the password for user thrukadmin 2. pnp4nagios uses a password, make thruk aware of that, see pnp_export in [6] 3. disable the shinken webinterface in **/usr/local/shinken/etc/shinken-specific.cfg** 1. just remove the WebUI from the modules list below define broker { broker_name broker-1 data_timeout 120 check_interval 60 modules Livestatus, WebUI, Simple-log, NPCDMOD port 7772 manage_sub_realms 1 spare 0 timeout 3 address localhost realm All max_check_attempts 3 manage_arbiters 1 } 2. restart shinken /etc/init.d/shinken restart 3. verify that the webinterface is not there anymore: #### resources needed it seems that thruk is quite memory hungry. in my current setup (13 hosts / 25 services) about 1gb ram minimum is required. ## proxy shinken webinterface via vhost through apache2 put shinken webservice (port 7767) behind apache vhosts, thus setup a proxy to make the webservice available via port 80 orr 443, see [2] and even better [8] and [9]. ### modify default vhost in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default i've added these lines to the configuration file: ... # prevent a forward proxy! ProxyRequests off # User-Agent / browser identification is used from the original client # shinken will then return either the mobile or desktop version of the webpage! ProxyVia Off ProxyPreserveHost On # since on ubuntu it is disabled by default, we have to reenable it here # i don't want to touch /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf Order deny,allow Allow from all # prevent pnp4nagios from being reverse-proxied ProxyPass /pnp4nagios ! ProxyPass / http://localhost:7767/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:7767/ ### security as outlined in [10] i think this configuration should be safe as **it does not create an open forward proxy** since there is **ProxyRequests off** configured. also the reverse proxy is configured to access **only** http://localhost:7767/. this can be verified by this commands: tcpdump src host and dst port 80 first start telnet telnet localhost 80 then issue this get (hit return 2 times): **GET http://www.google.com HTTP/1.0** this is the trace: # telnet localhost 80 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. GET http://www.google.com HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2013 23:35:11 GMT Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.6.5 Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Location: http://www.google.com/user/login Vary: Accept-Encoding Connection: close Connection closed by foreign host. **note:** **there MUST BE no output in the tcpdump shell**! i did enable **ProxyRequests on** for a short test, and then after restarting apache you actually have an open forward proxy which will cause much trouble! for the same request to google one will get a lot of traffic in the tcpdump command then. **thanks VERY MUCH to konkat, Unbelieve and Humbedooh** from httpd#irc.freenode.org! **note:** one thing that i still don't understand is that konkat got **HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden** where i get a **HTTP/1.1 303 See Other**. #links * [1] * [2] * [3] * [4] * [6] * [7] * [8] * [9] * [10]