[[!summary chatGPT: Big email hosters like Gmail could benefit from concentration efforts to handle spam efficiently, while small installations struggle with the resources needed for effective sorting, leading to potential legal Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks by spam on their competitors.]] [[!meta date="2009-05-15 18:37"]] [[!tag DoS email spam]] reading about spam lately makes me think even more about concentration efforts of big email hosters. what benefit would a big email provider like gmail & co have? well consider the cost for a small installation of a mailserver and the amount of time one has to spent to get spam sorted out properly. to operate a mailserver you need someone with a high skill to do that and you gona need someone you can trust. **i don't accuse gmail in particular but all big email hosters in general.** consider spam as a way to do legal DoS to their competitors. on the other hand big email hosters can handle spam - on the big scale - pretty well since they can filter pretty efficient. what do you think?