[[!meta date="2016-08-10 16:35"]] [[!tag nixos tuebix linux usability]] [[!img media/tuex.png class="noFancy" style="float: right"]] [[!summary cfp software written in golang for the tuebix linuxtag in tuebingen]] # motivation managing a 'call for papers' can be a lot of work. the tuebix [cfp](https://github.com/nixcloud/cfp)-software was created in the best practice of [KISS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle). # tuebix we held a [linuxtag](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linuxtag) at the [university of tübingen](https://www.uni-tuebingen.de/) called [tuebix](http://www.tuebix.org/2016/programm_raumplan/) and we had a talk about `nixos` and a workshop about `nixops`. [[!img media/cfp.jpg ]] [source](https://github.com/nixcloud/cfp) # concept the `cfp`-software backend is written in `golang`. the frontend was done in [materializecss](http://materializecss.com/). the workflow: * user fills the form-fields and gets instant feedback because of javascript checks * after 'submit' it will generate a `json` document and send it via email to a mailinglist * the mailinglist is monitored manually and people are contacted afterwards manually after the `cfp` is over, one can use [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to process the data for creating a schedule. # hosting security wise it would be good to create a custom user for hosting which was not done here. ## /home/joachim/cfp.sh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { .bash } #!/bin/sh source /etc/profile cd /home/joachim/cfp nix-shell --command "while true; do go run server.go ; done" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## systemd job ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { .bash } systemd.services.cfp = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; serviceConfig = { #Type = "forking"; User = "joachim"; ExecStart = ''/home/joachim/cfp.sh''; ExecStop = '' ''; }; }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## reverse proxy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { .bash } ... # nixcloud.io (https) { hostName = "nixcloud.io"; serverAliases = [ "nixcloud.io" "www.nixcloud.io" ]; documentRoot = "/www/nixcloud.io/"; enableSSL = true; sslServerCert = "/ssl/nixcloud.io-2015.crt"; sslServerKey = "/ssl/nixcloud.io-2015.key"; sslServerChain = "/ssl/nixcloud.io-2015-intermediata.der"; extraConfig = '' ... RewriteRule ^/cfp$ /cfp/ [R] ProxyPass /cfp/ retry=0 ProxyPassReverse /cfp/ ... ''; ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # summary using `nix-shell` it was easy to develop the software and to deploy it to the server. all dependencies are contained. for further questions drop me an email: js@lastlog.de