[[!summary chatGPT: The author describes their setup for experimenting with deployment by installing virtual Linux distributions using Virtualbox, solving networking issues and enabling internet access for all hosts using masquerading and configuring a DHCP server.]] [[!meta date="2010-12-21 03:16"]] [[!tag gentoo packagemanager]] to **experiment with deployment** i've installed several linux distributions using **virtualbox** (based on iso images). i had some problems with the networking but today i got rid of the complicated setup, used previously. # what i want |-------------------------------------------| | fedora debian windows | | | | | | | | | --------|||||||-------| | | | switch | |---------------------|---------------------| | | vboxnet0 virtualbox adds the **vboxnet0** (**host only network adapter**) using the preferences dialog in the main gui. additionally i added masquerading, using a external script, in order to have all hosts inside the 'host only networking' accessing the internet. the switch is created by virtualbox automatically when selecting 'host only networking' using **vboxnet0** per **appliance**. i was using '=app-emulation/virtualbox-ose-3.2.10'. # how to do it the setup is quite easy, i just wanted to write it down anyway in case it is of help for others. # masquerading in order to get each **virtualbox appliance connected with the internet**, masquerading is used. this is basically a one way internet connection but in my scenario there are no services provided to the outside world. iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # dhcp server **as the virtualbox-built-in dhcp server did not work at all**, i decided to use =**net-misc/dhcp-3.1.2-p1** instead. so here is the configuration: dhcp.conf # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name "example.org"; option domain-name-servers; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; ddns-update-style ad-hoc; log-facility local7; subnet netmask { option domain-name-servers; range; option routers; } subnet netmask { option domain-name-servers; range; option routers; } i run this server from a script which is also started at boot time: dhcp eth0 vboxnet0 this is helpful as i can configure static IPs for known mac addresses. but also automatic assignment should be quite stable as all parameters can be tuned as used to. # the clients as mentioned already, each **client** has to be **assinged** to the '**host only network' adapter**: **vboxnet0**. most linux distributions will try to get the host address via dhcp automatically. also each host can communicated with each other, so it is easy to do maintainance stuff. **update: 2010-12-21** modified article as it's not clear why some things are done the way they are