nixos on a hetzner root server

10 may 2011


running nix os [1] on a hetzner [2] platform using:

  • hetzner: root server x2
  • virtualbox: to extract all needed files Note: my host computer is a ‘core 2 duo’ and the hetzner target system is a ‘amd’ system
  • hetzner: robot and rescue system
  • nix os: Minimal installation CD, 64-bit Intel/AMD (x86_64-linux)

extracting the ‘nix os installation’ using a virtualbox machine

  1. create a new virtual machine in virtualbox

  2. use the ‘nix os minimal installation cd’ iso image and boot it

  3. follow the nixos installation guide at [3] (no need for any raid setup here!)

  4. (DON’T FORGET TO ENABLE SSHD IN /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix before doing nixos-install)

    services.sshd.enable = true;

  5. the mountPoint can be set using labels:

    { mountPoint = “/”; label=“nixos”; };

  6. in case you want to use a different version of grub you can add a line like this to configuration.nix:

    nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs : rec { grub2 = pkgs.grub198; };

  7. if the ‘grub’ installation step failed this is not critical (at this point) we don’t need a bootable virtualbox image; we only need the files!

after the installation finished, don’t reboot (extract the files instead):

  1. /mnt contains the installation, so we are now creating a tar.gz from that installation
  2. conveniently one can use ssh to create a tar.gz on the host system, so:
  3. start sshd on the host system and check that the virtualbox networking is working, then
  4. tar zcvf - /mnt | ssh root@ “cat > /root/nixos-2011-05-08.tar.gz

now you ‘could’ remove the virtualbox image, we don’t need it anymore.

root server configuration

let’s create the raid and prepare the system for file deployment:

  1. start the rescue system and login using ssh
  2. remove all raids (the default debian installation uses md0/md1/md2)
  3. (maybe reboot to reflect the changes)
  4. create one partition per device: fdisk /dev/sda -> create one giant /dev/sda1 partition fdisk /dev/sdb -> create one giant /dev/sdb1 partition
  5. create a new raid (raid1): [sourcecode language=“bash”]mdadm –create /dev/md0 –level=1 –raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1[/sourcecode]
  6. (maybe wait until the raid finished syncing, see ‘cat /proc/mdstat’)
  7. create a filesystem (see nix os manual): mkfs.ext4 -O dir_index -j -L nixos /dev/md0 NOTE: using nix os the /dev/md0 is often named /dev/md127
  8. mount it on /mnt: mount LABEL=nixos /mnt

copy the files to the prepared raid:

mount LABEL=nixos /mnt
cd /mnt

i copied this file (created earlier in this documentation) to my other root-server, don’t use it: USE YOUR OWN FILES

tar xzf nixos-2011-05-08.tar.gz

and all needed files are there.

Note: there are no /dev; /sys; or /proc files contained in the tar file! this is intentional

Note: in case you don’t have a place to put that nixos-*.tar.gz you can copy it to your machine using scp

install the bootloader manually:

the rescue image is based on debian and therefore we can use apt-get to install grub2!

apt-get install grub2
grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda
grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb

final setup step:

add your public ssh key to /mnt/root/.ssh/authorized_keys

mkdir /mnt/root/.ssh
vi /mnt/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
copy'n'paste your pubkey

create a key pair if you don’t have already: ssh-keygen

software-raid using mdadm

it’s wise to disable the hard-drive write caches to avoid data loss on a power fail, so add this to your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

powerManagement.powerUpCommands="/var/run/current-system/sw/sbin/hdparm -W 0 /dev/sda /dev/sdb";

note: this can reduce throughput but i think it’s totally worth it.

client machine ssh setup

one the client machine (which is used to connect to the hetzner nix os installation later) configure ~/.ssh/config:

Host nixos
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_nixos

finally type:

ssh nixos

and you should get a nixos shell!

to debug the setup you can use tools like:

  • ping
  • ssh -v <- add the -v to the parameter list of ssh
  • read the logs of the nixos installation using /mnt/var/log/messages
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